I. Introduction
The current era of Digital Transformation is also referred to as the time of VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous). It is clear and evident that in this era much is changing. Moreover, the only constant is change. Especially when it comes to the crossroads of technology, engineering and management disciplines as can be read any form of trend reports, for example, from top consultancy companies or from the financial institutions proving recommendations to their clients [10]–[12]. such VUCA environment, is bound to have an impact on the manner in which products, services, processes and systems are being developed, how research and development are being organized, innovation is managed, and PM in all of the above is performed [13]. Innovations are for some time already and will be more and more an undertaking where many collaborating entities, forming a network, work towards common goals [14]. Vice versa there is a discussion emerging about the “Projectification of Society” as reported and described in [15], [16] and [17], as through the use of projects and project management (PM) many changes in society are being realized. In light of both developments, it seems more than prudent that PM will need to develop itself towards ‘Project Management 2030’.