I. Introduction
Originally, centralized generation at the transmission level allowed Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to design and operate their systems through a top-down approach [1]. It means that predictable power flows from the transmission systems did not require advanced management and observability resources. Nowadays, at the distribution level, decentralized and unpredictable generation from Renewable Energy Sources (RES) introduces new challenges, such as bidirectional power flows, greater variations on the node voltages and different reactive power characteristics. In fact, the penetration of such devices is on the rise. According to the EU, by 2020 it is expected that RES will meet a 20% in the total energy consumption what in return means that the energy production from such devices in also expected to increase considerably. Moreover, in the EU it is expected that by 2050 Electrical Vehicles (EV) will represent the 10% of the electric share [1].