I. Introduction
An image is a picture which is stored in the electronic form. It is basically the matrix of pixels and it is defined as a two dimensional function f(x, y) where x and y are the spatial coordinates. Enhancement refers to accentuation or sharpening of image features to remove the noisy, such as contrast boundaries, edges etc. That can be overcome the difficulties which is arise in bio medical image analysis, remote sensing and traffic control analysis etc. During the transmission of images there is lot of types of noise which is difficult to avoid most probably and frequently occurring noise is Gaussian noise it is caused by random fluctuations in the signal reducing the noise is also a form of image enhancement [10]. We have found some other type of noise such as pepper and salt, impulse noise etc [7]. For removal of noise from the images, different types of filters are there like Median filters, Average filters, Gaussian filters etc [4]. The image which is captured by image capturing device camera the captured image is very dark because aperture of image is not set due to vary narrow light pass to image. The image sensor needs to increase the contrast of the image or to increase the intensity of the image. The main objective behind image enhancement is to modify attributes of an image so that it is more suitable for specific observation. It simply transforms image f into image g using T transformation function where x and y are the pixels in images f and g respectively.\begin{equation*}v=T(x) \tag{1}\end{equation*}