I. Introduction
In this work, InP process has been utilized to develop this wideband cryogenic low noise amplifier. The development of this LNA is aimed to cover two separate ALMA bands, Band 2 and Band 3, which range from 67 GHz to 90 GHz and 84 GHz to 116 GHz, respectively. Currently, InP is the chosen receiver technology for operating ALMA at Band 2, and SIS mixer is baselined for Band 3 [6]. Our work demonstrates achievable performance at Band 3 with InP HEMT which can eventually replace the SIS mixer at this frequency range. HEMT technology is more convenient to build receivers on and does not required cryogenic temperatures as low as 4K at which SIS mixers operate. The presented LNA demonstrates such wideband response as to cover both Band 2 and Band 3. Thus, this technical achievement can ease the receiver complexity by combining Band 2 and Band 3 into one single band [7]–[8].