I. Introduction
Seeing that the multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems are powerful to increase the channel capacity and enhance the spectrum efficiency for wireless communications, the studies on MIMO antennas have attracted growing interests. To maintain the active impedance matching performance of MIMO antennas, one challenge is the coupling suppression among antenna elements. Otherwise, the coupling may lead to dramatic degradations of an adaptive array whose pattern is adjusted automatically to signal environment [1], significant drops of the mean capacity of an MIMO system [2], as well as other negative effects [3]–[5]. Although mutual coupling below −17 dB is sufficient for MIMO-based transmission from the error rate point of view [6], such an isolation level does not mean that the MIMO capacity can be achieved in practice. For instance, the active VSWR would be higher than six with the isolation of 15 dB [3], which can be highly improved if the mutual coupling is reduced to lower than −25 dB [4]. In addition, nonlinear effects would be caused by the strong coupling in the massive MIMO systems [7]. This would lead to significant nonlinear distortions on power amplifiers and decrease the operation bandwidth of the systems. To this end, the mutual coupling between the elements of massive MIMO arrays is preferred to be less than −25 dB or even lower in practice.