I. Introduction
Canonical problems of electromagnetic (EM) scattering have been a subject of continuous research over several decades. Solutions to canonical problems enable the understanding of basic and complex wave phenomena and to establish canonical generalized models for wave propagation and scattering in the high-frequency (large scatterers) regime. Canonical problems vary in the scatterer shape (such as half-plane, wedge, and cylinders), materials (such as perfectly electric conductor (PEC), dielectric, and metamaterials), and in the incident waveobjects that include plane waves (PWs), Green’s functions, or Gaussian beams. The importance of Gaussian beam scattering arises from the different phase-space decomposition methods that use Gaussian beam propagators (GBPs) as the building block for the field expansion [1]–[6]. Scattering and propagation of GBPs were obtained for a wide class of canonical problems [7]–[19], though the large majority of such canonical problems address the scattering of stationary scatterers, and only a limited number of papers addressing scattering are from moving objects (see examples in [20]).