I. Introduction
The recent developments of the concept of All Electric Aircraft are increasing the interest in the design of proper and convenient electric propulsion systems for low-medium power aircraft [1]. The conventional propulsion systems, as thermal engine and gas turbine, represent the most part of current propulsion systems for aircraft. The application of electric motors to the aircraft propulsion is not a recent idea;however it is now becoming realistic due to the improvement of energy storage systems (ESS), like batteries, and/or of static electric generators as fuel cells (FC); moreover the electric propulsion can be introduced thanks to the availability of permanent magnet motors with very high power-density values. The main goals of the introduction of the electric propulsion are the reduction of pollution in the atmosphere, the possibility to increase the energetic efficiency of future aircraft, the possibility to reduce the frontal area of the motors in order to improve the aerodynamic behavior of the aircraft and the reduction of emitted noise with the increase of the passengers comfort. Some studies [2], [3] and some applications of hybrid electric aircraft are widely carried out by both academic researchers and companies in the world, in particular with the target of reducing fuel consumptionand increasing reliability and disposability of aircraft. On the contrary, the all electric propulsion is conceived in order to fulfill all the requirements for the proper functionality of the aircraft. The electric propulsion systems requirethe development of a strategy of on-board energy management and of optimization criteriafor electrical drives [4] and ESS [5] in order to reduce the weights and balance the loads onboard the aircraft, ensuring high reliability of the propulsion systems.