Policy iteration and value iteration are at the core of many (approximate) dynamic programming methods. For Markov Decision Processes with finite state and action spaces,...Show MoreMetadata
Policy iteration and value iteration are at the core of many (approximate) dynamic programming methods. For Markov Decision Processes with finite state and action spaces, we show that they are instances of semismooth Newton-type methods for solving the Bellman equation. In particular, we prove that policy iteration is equivalent to the exact semismooth Newton method and enjoys a local quadratic convergence rate. This finding is corroborated by extensive numerical evidence in the fields of control and operations research, which confirms that policy iteration generally requires relatively few iterations to achieve convergence even in presence of a large number of admissible policies. We then show that value iteration is an instance of the fixed-point iteration method and develop a locally accelerated version of value iteration with global convergence guarantees and negligible extra computational costs.
Published in: IEEE Control Systems Letters ( Volume: 6)