I. Introduction
Earlier studies on flying snakes reveal that their gliding abilities are surprisingly good which can be beneficial in the development of Micro-Air Vehicles (MAVs) and Snake-like robots (known as Snake-bots) which are of immense interest in defense and homeland security SAR (search and rescue) missions. This is also an interesting research area in the field of biomimetic due to their superior flight abilities. These snakes are gliders, which use free fall to gain velocity and undulation of their bodies to glide through the air [1]. Though they do not have any control surfaces, they exhibit good glide performance. During the glide they undulate from one side to the other which helps them to maintain a stable flight trajectory. This gliding mechanism makes them unique compared to other flyers like flapping bats and gliding ants [2]. Understanding the undulation pattern is key to understanding the maneuvering capabilities of the snake [1].