I. Introduction
THE weapon-target assignment (WTA) is a classic military operational problem and a kernel of command and control. The goal of WTA is assigning weapons to targets properly to get the best combat effectiveness. From the perspective of whether to consider the time factor, the WTA problems can be divided into dynamic weapon-target assignment (DWTA) models and static weapon─target assignment (SWTA) models. Besides, the WTA problems also can be classified as constrained WTA problems (CWTA) and general WTA problems. In this paper, we mainly discuss the constrained SWTA problem which has an upper bound on the number of weapons available to each weapon platform. Because WTA is a NP-complete mathematical problem [1], it's difficult to find the optimal solution when the scale of this problem is large. Until now, there are a number of methods applied in solving SWTA problem such as implicit enumeration algorithm [2], dynamic programming [3], simulated annealing (SA) [4], traditional genetic algorithm (GA) [5], genetic algorithm with greedy eugenics [6], neural-network-based (NN-based) method [7], [8], immunity-based ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm [9], very large scale neighborhood (VLSN) search algorithm [10], discrete particle swarm algorithm (DPSO) [11] and so on. Although DPSO algorithm has been developed to solve the SWTA problem [11], this one-to-one WTA model doesn't restrain the available quantity of weapons on each weapon platform and the number of weapons of each weapon platform attacking each target cannot be calculated.