I. Introduction
As the system signal bit rate increases rapidly, the effect of signal jitter on the high-speed package system signal integrity becomes more and more important. The jitter transfer function, which can cover both packaging and the receiver or retimer clock and/or data recovering, is very useful for analyzing jitters in the packaging system signal integrity (SI) simulation [1] [2]. The variables in using the jitter transfer function in the time domain are physically the jitter values in the time unit such as second. If we use a regular transient simulation to simulate the time domain jitter by the jitter transfer function, the node voltages with the voltage unit at the input and output nodes of the jitter transfer function circuit model actually represent the physical jitter in the time unit. To add or inject a known jitter time-domain waveform [3] [4] into a data stream voltage waveform is very useful and convenient for the packaging system eye diagram simulation and display. To realize this, we need a behavioral circuit model of jitter modulator to make full use of the jitter transfer function in transient simulation flow (Fig. 1). However, to the author's knowledge, there is no such a model available in the public domain. In Section IIA of this paper, such a model will be proposed.
An application of the proposed jitter modulator in signal integrity transient simulation.
A 4-port case of single-ended-mode to mixed-mode transformer application.