I. Introduction
Biometric is uses unique physiological characteristics to identify an individual. Biometric system systems are divided into two categories such as unimodal and Multimodal. Unimodal systems are facing variety of problem such as spoofing, non-universality, interclass variation etc. Multimodal system overcomes such problems by using multiple traits [1]. Multimodal system uses two characteristics are Behavioral and Physiological. Physiological characteristics are Iris, Palmprint, Fingerprint etc. behavioral characteristics are related to behaviour of person including voice and gait. Here in this paper two biometric traits are considers Iris and Palmprint. Iris recognition technology has many advantages. It has the highest accuracy in comparison with other biometrics. Also irises are stable so one enrolment can last a lifetime. Palmprint is large in size so numbers of features are used for identification. Palmprint is more secure than fingerprint because palmprint texture is more complicate. These two traits are taken together in multimodal identification for more security purpose.