I. Introduction
During the past few decades, changes in lifestyle and nutrition made diabetes one of the most prominent diseases among chronic conditions. In 2019, the number of patients diagnosed with diabetes exceeded 425 million worldwide, resulting in more than 4 million deaths. This exponentially growing number is expected to reach 629 million by 2045 [1]. In fact, diabetes as a pandemic is one of the most common metabolic diseases. There are two main types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2, with type 1 being the most serious condition [2]. Although the underlying causes of these two categories are different, their consequences are dangerous and much alike [3]. To maintain a proper treatment, accurate determination of blood glucose levels (BGL) is a necessity. Currently, BGL is measured using a glucometer that is invasive and relies on finger pricking several times a day. On the long term, this increases the risk of infection and may damage the underlying tissue. More importantly, this measurement technique does not provide continuous monitoring, which can result in missing serious hypo/hyper-glycemic incidents [4].