I. Introduction
PWM converters have made a significant contribution to achieving energy conservation as well as to improving system performance and productivity in many applications, such as transportation systems and renewable energy systems. Three-phase rectifiers have been widely used in industries and higher efficiency is always an important design aspect for energy consumption reduction and power density improvement [1]. Conventional 2-level 6-switch boost rectifiers have been dominant due to their simplicity. However, 3 -level converters are better options for higher efficiency due to their lower switching voltage and thus, allowing the use of lower voltage switches, which usually presents lower on resistance and smaller switching loss with additional benefits on EMI filter design [3], [7]. Among the 3-level topologies, Vienna-type rectifiers as shown in Fig. 1 have been widely used for their higher reliability and, more important, its potential advantage to achieve higher efficiency for rectifier applications [2]–[5]. Recently, the emerging new wide-band-gap (WBG) power semiconductors as the SiC and GaN switches further extend the possibility for ultra-high efficiency rectifier system design with Vienna Rectifiers. With the use of SiC diode, the reverse recovery loss from diodes in Vienna rectifiers can be nearly eliminated, which reduces the switching loss significantly than conventional two level boost rectifiers.
Three phase vienna rectifier