I. Introduction
Many factors have to be considered when planning to build a house as the entire family gets involved in designing their house to fit the needs of all occupants. First architect has to draw the house or building plan according to client's requirements. Two dimensional (2D) drawings are conventionally used in this phase. Yet; it is difficult to be satisfied with looking at 2D plans where 2D drawing technology outputs a collection of lines and text on page [7]. These drawings are produced by highly trained professionals called Draftsmen under the guidance's of an architect. Draftsmen used to sketch the building plan on a paper previously. But with increasing computer literacy, draftsmen now use highly sophisticated architectural products such as Auto CAD [1] and 3D Home architect for the purpose of producing structural sketches. In contrast to 2D drawings these three dimensional (3D) drawings are very clear and detailed. The enrichment of 3D drawing makes better structured information available. Yet, understanding and using the previously mentioned products require specialized knowledge and cost is very high [5].