List of Symbols and Acronyms
State gain matrix for device .
Phase angle of node voltage.
Real power supplied at node .
Reactive power supplied at node .
Transformation matrix from frame.
Control inputs for device .
,Device d-axis voltage and current.
,Device q-axis voltage and current.
,Device D-axis voltage and current.
,Device Q-axis voltage and current.
State vector for device .
Impedance matrix for device .
CPPACyber-physical process approach.
CPSCyber-physical system.
CSTACyber-physical theoretic approach.
DERDistributed Energy Resource.
DNDevice node.
ICTIntelligent Communications Technology.
IDTIntrusion Detection System.
NSFNational Science Foundation.
SCADASupervisory Control and Data Acquisition.
SOAService oriented architecture.
RNRoot node.
SNSuper node.
TNThrough node.
ZIPNZ (impedance) I (current) P (power) node.