I. Introduction
Motion control of nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots (WMRs) is required in a wide variety of applications in robotics. Despite extensive work on designing motion controllers for nonholonomic WMRs, challenges still arise due to the nonholonomic constraints in the robot's kinematic model [1], [2]. Existing control approaches for stabilizing the position of a nonholonomic robot suffer from various limitations, including (1) chattering in the robot's motion that results from the use of discontinuous functions in the control law, e.g. sgn [3], arctan [4], and atan2; and (2) erratic or oscillatory transient robot motions, which are intrinsic characteristics of time-varying control laws [5] and pure geometric techniques [6]. Furthermore, many existing control approaches for obstacle avoidance (1) have been developed using a holonomic motion planner, which may introduce infeasible collision-free paths and cannot be implemented on nonholonomic robots [7]; (2) do not have mathematical guarantees on performance; and (3) can result in the robot becoming trapped in a local minimum.