I. Introduction
With the rapid development of cloud computing, many information systems have been moved from the terminal to a cloud platform, security problems cannot be alleviated by delivery to a cloud platform, and guest systems still face the threat of attack. In such a scenario, from the perspective of guest users, the protection of systems should also be moved from the physical terminal to the cloud platform 1. However, the protection of guest systems running on VMs from a cloud platform faces new challenges, such as: availability, transparency, and usability.
Availability. Availability is the most important requirement for the protection of a cloud platform, because guest users cannot allow their systems to crash and be rebooted.
Transparency. Although guest users move systems from their own terminals to the cloud platform, they still may not permit the cloud platform to dynamically update guest systems due to privacy concerns, even for security protections.
Usability. There are a number of VMs in the cloud platform, and each virtual machine could run different operating systems. Thus, it is not easy to patch all vulnerable programs in different VMs, and the rapid deployment of hot patching is significant in the defense against exploits in cloud platforms.