I. Introduction
Video synthetic aperture radar (ViSAR) system is regarded as a novel technology to achieve similar observation performance under the influence of climate factors as infrared systems provide in clean weather. There have been some applications of ViSAR in recent years [1]–[3]. The advantage of ViSAR system is its ability to output radar video of the observation area at a high frame rate compared with traditional SAR system in the microwave band. It is known that the most effective way for achieving a higher frame rate is to increase the radar carrier frequency [4]. In [2], coherent change detection is performed to the image sequence from an X-band ViSAR system. Its results show that the path of a walker dragging a rake is visible but unclear, and the path of a walker alone cannot be seen. In [3], the system operates at a carrier frequency of 35 GHz and produces real-time SAR video with 2 m resolution.