I. Introduction
Tree-based clock distribution has been the method implemented traditionally in most of the sequential VLSI circuits. However, when tree-based clock distribution is implemented in Deep Sub Micron (DSM) technology, it introduces additional clock skew due to process variations. On the other hand, Mesh-based distribution is tolerant towards variations due to the redundant paths in the clock mesh. But this comes at the cost of increased power dissipation since mesh has increased wire capacitance [1]. A hybrid clock distribution scheme where the leaf level mesh is fed by a top level clock tree is termed tree driven mesh. A detailed study has been made on leaf level clock mesh synthesis in [1], [2] and [3]. Buffers are placed at the mesh nodes (Fig. 1) to drive the load capacitance which is the capacitance of clock sinks (input capacitance of flip flops/registers) and capacitance of mesh wire.