The through-glass interposer (TGI) technology rapidly grows up as a promising alternative to the through-silicon interposer (TSI) because of its low substrate loss in the RF/microwave range, the mechanical robustness and low material and manufacturing cost [1]–[3]. Also, recent advancement on the corning fusion process for pristine surface glass substrates and through glass via (TGV) processes including wet and dry etching, laser drilling, and W-plug [1], have made the glass interposer much viable in the market. Previously, we have reported the high frequency characterization of Coming glass using a ring resonator, as well as the modeling of high frequency TGV using Coming glasses [4]. High quality factor (Q-factor) radiofrequency (RF) performance of the resonator has implicated the glass interposer can be a good hosting medium for high quality RF circuits, i.e. bandpass filters (BPF), supporting modern devices required for system on package (SoP) and system on chip (SoC) technologies [5], [6].