I. Introduction
Fiber-optics sensor technology [1] has been attracting much attention for liquid level measurements in electric conductive, explosive or chemical flammable environments, attributed to its distinctive advantages, such as high sensibility, anti-erosion, immune to electromagnetic interference and low-cost owing to its easy fabrication, etc. The liquid level fiber sensors can apply to more wide areas than electrical ones. In modern industry and daily life, multiple liquid level fiber sensors have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated using various sensing techniques including long-period fiber gratings (LPGs) [2], fiber taper technology [3], fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) [4], [5] and Michelson interferometry, etc. Up to now, singlemode-multimode-singlemode-film (SMSF) fiber structure based Michelson interferometer (MI) for liquid level measurement [6], [7] has attracted much attention with the merits of easy fabrication and high sensitivity.