I. Introduction
With the development of three-dimensional (3D) imaging technology and display equipment, more stereo images/videos [1] have been attracting the attention of consumers, including 3D movies, 3D games, etc. However, most of the existing stereo cameras can only capture the limited dynamic range of natural scenes (e.g., the common 8bit images, whose dynamic range is less than 3 orders of magnitude), which inevitably results in under-exposure or over-exposure of captured stereo images. High dynamic range (HDR) imaging technology [2], [3] can effectively solve this problem, which fuses a series of low dynamic range (LDR) images taken at different exposure parameters to reconstruct the dynamic range of natural scenes. Therefore, combining HDR imaging technology with a stereo camera, namely stereo HDR imaging (SHDRI) [4], can provide users with higher quality binocular experience.