I. Introduction
Information filtering (IF) is a system to remove redundant or unwanted information from an information or document stream based on document representations which represent users' interest. Traditional IF models were developed based on a term-based approach, whose advantage is efficient computational performance, as well as mature theories for term weighting, like Rocchio, BM25, et al [1], [2]. But term-based document representation suffers from the problems of polysemy and synonymy. To overcome the limitations of term-based approaches, pattern mining based techniques have been used for information filtering and achieved some improvements on effectiveness [3], [4], since patterns carry more semantic meaning than terms. Also, data mining has developed some techniques (i.e., maximal patterns, closed patterns and master patterns) for removing the redundant and noisy patterns [5], , , [8]. One of the promising techniques is Pattern Taxonomy Model (PTM) [9] that discovered closed sequential patterns in text classification. It shows a certain extent improvement on effectiveness, but still faces one challenging issue which is low frequency of the patterns appearing in documents. In order to solve this problem, Wu et.al [10], [11] proposed deploying pattern approach to weight terms by calculating their appearance in discovered patterns.