I. Introduction
Credit risk is one of the most studied and researched areas in banking. An accurate lending decisions system is an important reason for the bank profitability. Although techniques of credit measurement had advanced still it is a large risk [1]. The aim of this paper is applying data mining technique on German bank real world credit application cases datasets which has 1000 cases; each case with 24 numerical attributes. The creditability of a customer for loan giving depend on several parameters, such parameters include credit history, Installment rate, employment&etc. The remaining parts of this paper are organized as follows. In section 2 “Related Work” a summary of related work and short definitions of data mining techniques used. In section 3 “Methodology”, it describes the methods and ways of applying the used technique. In section 4 “Experimental result” describes the data used in the study and introduce the results of the experiment. In section 5 “Discussion”, we discuss the results of the experiment. In section 6 “Conclusion” where the whole research is concluded.