I. Introduction
Malicious social bot is a software program that pretends to be a real user in online social networks (OSNs) [1], [2]. Moreover, malicious social bots perform several malicious attacks, such as spread social spam content, generate fake identities, manipulate online ratings, and perform phishing attacks [1]. In Twitter, when a participant (user) wants to share a tweet containing URL(s) with the neighboring participants (i.e., followers or followees), the participant adapts URL shortened service (i.e., bit.ly [3]) in order to reduce the length of URL (because a tweet is restricted up to 140 characters). Moreover, a malicious social bot may post shortened phishing URLs in the tweet [4]. As shown in Fig. 1, when a participant clicks on a shortened phishing URL, the participant’s request will be redirected to intermediate URLs associated with malicious servers that, in turn, redirect the user to malicious web pages. Then, the legitimate participant is exposed to an attacker. This leads to Twitter network suffering from several vulnerabilities (such as phishing attack).
Malicious act on URL shortened service.