I. Introduction
Availability of new sensors and real-time user data have heralded significant performance improvements in distributed control systems. At the same time, sharing information poses a threat to the privacy of the participating individuals. For instance, smartphones and connected vehicles can detect and report on road congestion conditions more accurately [1]–[3]; this has been used to develop crowd-sourced congestion-aware mapping and routing applications such as Google Maps and Waze. These benefits come with the risk of a loss of location-privacy. For example, researchers have shown that Waze can be used to follow a users movements [4]; and even with anonymized data such as Google Maps [5], the inherent structure of location data can lead to deanonymization [6], [7]. Similar risks and benefits arise in two-way coordination between consumers’ demands and electric power utility companies: On one hand, sharing information can prevent over-provisioning through peak-shaving and reduce energy costs [8]–[10], and on the other hand, expose the consumers’ personal habits.