I. Introduction
Keeping pace with the increasing popularity of the interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors (IPMSMs) in industrial applications, control algorithms of IPMSMs have been remarkably improved over the past few decades. Nowadays, instead of assuming the ideal IPMSM with fixed parameters, control algorithms considering the nonideal effects of IPMSMs, such as magnetic saturation and spatial harmonics, have been developed and applied to many applications [1]–[8]. For example, the dynamic inductance data were exploited to extend the feasible torque in a signal-injection sensorless control [1]–[3]. In [4], the current controller, which can achieve the designed control bandwidth despite the magnetic saturation, was proposed. In the case of model-based flux observers, a lot of research has been conducted to eliminate the effect of spatial harmonics on the estimated flux linkages [5]–[7]. In [8], the flux-linkage data were used to set an optimal flux-weakening trajectory.