I. Introduction
Multilevel converters (MLCs) are widely implemented on various occasions of power conversion since the 1980s due to their numerous merits over the traditional two-level converters, including higher output voltage levels with low harmonic distortion, reduced electromagnetic interferences (EMI), etc. [1]–[3]. Some of the widely implemented or emerging multilevel topologies, e.g., three-level neutral-point clamped (3L-NPC) [4], four-level hybrid-clamped (4L-HC) [5], five-level active NPC (5L-ANPC) [6], and seven-level HC (7L-HC) [7] converters, are presented in Fig. 1.
Widely implemented or emerging MLCs with phase x = a, b, or c. (a) 3L-NPC. (b) 4L-HC. (c) 5L-ANPC. (d) 7L-HC.