I. Introduction
Three-phase voltage-source inverters are widely used in industrial drives owing to their high efficiency and ease of control. They are commonly operated by PWM schemes to generate the required output voltages. Conventional PWM approaches provide improved operation in terms of reliability, voltage linearity, output and dc bus current ripple, and average switching frequency requirements [1]. On the other hand, their discrete nature leads to harmonic disturbances [2]– [11]. In particular, common-mode voltage (CMV) disturbance is a topical issue as it undermines the reliability of adjustable-speed drives [12]. CMV is related to degraded electromagnetic compatibility of motor drives [13], interference with electrical equipment in the vicinity of the drive [14], [15], failure of motor winding insulation [16], and bearing currents which ultimately result in motor failure [17] , [18]. In the field of transformerless photovoltaic inverters, CMV may increase leakage current and result in grid current distortion, power losses, and safety problems [19], [20].