Motivated by the recent advances in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications [1], [2], MIMO radars continue to arouse the attention of the international radar community. Distributed MIMO radar systems comprise multiple, widely spaced transmitting and receiving radar nodes and transmit multiple orthogonal waveforms [3], [4]. Such radar systems can fully utilize spatial diversity by observing a target simultaneously from different aspect angles [3], [5], [6]. As shown in existing publications, due to the spatial diversity provided by the widely dispersed radar nodes [3], [4], [7], distributed MIMO radar systems offer a number of unique benefits including better detection performance [8], [9], more degrees of freedom [10], [11], higher spatial resolution [12], better spatial coverage [13], enhanced parameter identifiability [14], and higher localization accuracy [15], [16].
However, the performance of distributed MIMO radar systems, to a large extent, relies on the node positions. To fully utilize the spatial diversity, there have been various studies on optimizing the system performance by adjusting the node positions [16]–[22]. In general, researches on the optimization of the placement of radar nodes can be divided into two categories. The first group focuses on optimizing the system performance in a given position [16], [17], while the second group aims to optimize the performance in a specific area [18]–[22].
In [16], [17], different system performance in a given position is improved by adjusting the node positions. In [16], a convex optimization problem was formulated with respect to minimizing the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for localization accuracy of one target, and it is shown that symmetric deployment of transmitting and receiving radar nodes around the target is optimal. Optimal antenna placement was analyzed in terms of minimizing the CRLB of velocity estimation error for a given target in [17]. Similar to [16], symmetrically placing the transmitting and receiving radar nodes was concluded as the best choice.
Nevertheless, the general application of distributed MIMO radar systems is to monitor a radar surveillance area (RSA), rather than to detect a target located at a given position. In addition, it is often necessary to refer to multi-target scenarios in terms of locating or tracking targets. Taking into account regional surveillance and multi-target situations, from practical perspective, we prefer to optimize node positions to improve the system performance in the entire RSA, rather than at the given position, as [18]–[22]. In [18], a radar node deployment problem aiming at improving the system detection performance in an entire surveillance area was studied, and a sequentially exhaustive enumeration method was proposed by discretizing the radar deployment area into multiple small grids. But it is computationally intractable in practical scenarios where a few radar nodes exist. To reduce the computation load, a node placement algorithm based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) was proposed in [19], aiming to maximum the system surveillance performance, i.e., the detection performance in the entire RSA, with coverage ratio being the performance metric. In [20], an algorithm for the joint placement of transmitters and receivers in presence of multiple targets was proposed, considering both the system detection performance and localization performance. The system interference performance in multiple regions was considered in [21]. A multi-objective optimization problem with respect to the node positions was formulated, and solved by a solution based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO).
However, all the aforementioned works ignore the distance constraints that exist in distributed MIMO radar systems, and these constraints are important in practical applications [23]–[26]. The maximum distance constraint between receiving node and fusion center (FC) is an important issue to be addressed, considering the transmission of the received signal from receiving nodes to the FC. Specifically, for distributed MIMO radar systems, the signal received at the receiving nodes needs to be transmitted to the FC for jointly processing, normally via wireless data links or optical fibers. For both the transmission mediums, the farther transmission distances normally result in the higher transmission costs. Moreover, when applying wireless data links to long-distance signal transmission, it is also necessary to consider the signal propagation interruption affected by the earth curvature. Furthermore, if the transmission distance is too far, the system synchronization will be difficult to achieve and the data transmission capacity will be deteriorated.
Meanwhile, ignoring the minimum distance constraint among radar nodes can also cause a series of problems. For instance, a closer node distance results in mutual interference of signals more easily, and leads to energy supply problems for some radar systems as well. Additionally, to fully utilize spatial diversity and enhance anti-jamming potential and robustness of radar systems, the distances among nodes also need to be kept wide enough.
Therefore, we have to fully consider the distance constrains among nodes and FCs when optimizing radar node placement. In fact, similar constraints also have to be addressed in path planning [28], [29], array optimization problem [30], etc.
In this article, we establish an optimization problem of radar node placement, and aim to enhance the system surveillance performance by optimizing the node positions while satisfying practical spatial distance constraints.
The main contributions of our paper are listed as follows:
Novel surveillance performance metric for the distributed MIMO radar: We analyze the radar detection performance, and derive an analytical expression for the detection probability for distributed MIMO radar systems. Considering different levels of importance of sub-areas in the RSA, by setting weights to sub-areas, a weighted coverage ratio (WCR) constructed by the detection probability is proposed as the surveillance performance metric.
Radar node placement optimization problem with complex constraints: We propose a node placement optimization problem with generalized distance constraints, and introduce three typical system architectures for centralized fusion, which differs from each other in the expression of the maximum distance constraint. Additionally, to each system architecture, the specific expression of the maximum distance constraint is formulated.
Fast solution to the non-convex problem with complex constraints: Our presented optimization problem is high-dimensional, non-convex and nonlinear, and has complex constraints. Moreover, it differs from the structure of the optimization problem established in previous literature [16]–[21]. To solve such a problem efficiently, based on the standard PSO, we make improvements in the strategies of velocity update and the best position update of particles, and propose an internal self-constrained PSO (ISC-PSO) algorithm. In addition to driving the update of particles to directions for larger objective function values, the ISC-PSO algorithm also drives the update of particles to directions where more distance constraints could be satisfied.
Combining the proposed ISC-PSO algorithm and the established optimization condition according to the practical application scenario, we formulate a radar node placement algorithm. This algorithm satisfies all the distance constraints and meets requirements of the surveillance performance.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. The signal model is presented in section II. In section III, we formulate the optimal radar node placement problem. The WCR metric and the specific distance constraints for three system architectures are introduced. We propose a radar node placement algorithm to solve the formulated optimization problem in section IV. Section V presents simulation results and Section VI summarizes our contributions.
System and Signal Model
We consider a widely distributed MIMO radar system equipped with \begin{align*} R_{m}^{ \mathrm {t}}=&\sqrt {(x_{m}^{ \mathrm {t}} - x)^{2} + (y_{m}^{ \mathrm {t}} - y)^{2}},\tag{1}\\ R_{n}^{ \mathrm {r}}=&\sqrt {(x_{n}^{ \mathrm {r}} - x)^{2} + (y_{n}^{ \mathrm {r}} - y)^{2}},\tag{2}\end{align*}
The transmitters use orthogonal waveforms to probe a common area of interest, and each receiver transmits the obtained orthogonal baseband signal to the FC for jointly processing. Then the FC collects the outputs from all receivers and returns a decision about the presence or absence of the target [4], [8]. The FC is selected from
Consider one specific T-R channel consisting of the \begin{equation*} {s_{m}}(t) = \sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {{a_{m}(k)}{e^{j2\pi {f_{c}}(t - kT)}}p(t - kT)},\tag{3}\end{equation*}
\begin{equation*} {\tilde r_{n}}(t) \!\approx \! \sum \limits _{m = 1}^{M} \!{{s_{m}\!(t \!-\! {\tau _{m,n}})}{{l_{m,n}(k)}}} {{e^{j{\beta _{m,n}(k)}}}}\!{{e^{j2\pi {f_{d,n}}(t - kT)}}},\tag{4}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} {\tau _{m,n}}\approx&\tau _{m,n}^{0} - {v_{n}}t/c, \tag{5}\\ \tau _{m,n}^{0}=&(R_{m}^{ \mathrm {t}} + R_{n}^{ \mathrm {r}})/c.\tag{6}\end{align*}
\begin{equation*} l_{m,n}(k) \propto 1/{(R_{m}^{ \mathrm {t}} R_{n}^{ \mathrm {r}})^{2}}.\tag{7}\end{equation*}
During the \begin{align*}&\hspace {-.5pc}r_{n}(t) \!\approx \! \sum \limits _{m = 1}^{M} \!{\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K - 1} {{a_{m}(k)}{l_{m,n}(k)}{e^{j{\beta _{m,n}(k)}}}{e^{j2\pi {f_{d,n}}(t - kT)}}}} \\&\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\displaystyle {\times p(t - kT - \tau _{m,n}^{0}).} \tag{8}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} {y_{m,n}}(k)=&{a_{m}(k)}{l_{m,n}(k)}{e^{j{\beta _{m,n}(k)}}}{e^{j2\pi {f_{d,n}}kT}} \!+\! {\xi _{n}}(k), \\=&{A_{m,n}(k)}{e^{j{\beta _{m,n}(k)}}}{e^{j2\pi {f_{d,n}}kT}} + {\xi _{n}}(k),\tag{9}\end{align*}
Remark 1:
The phases of the received signals for different channels are difficult to predict. Hence, data sampled for different channels are usually jointly processed by non-coherent processing instead of coherent processing [37], and as a result, the phase information is lost. Therefore we focus more on the amplitudes of the received samples.
Remark 2:
From (1), (2), (7) and (9), we note that, for a given target, amplitudes of the received samples from all T-R channels are related to the positions of all radar nodes. Since the amplitudes affect the subsequent signal processing, with respect to different tasks (e.g. detection, surveillance, localization, velocity estimation, etc.), the performance of the distributed MIMO radar system significantly depends on the system spatial layout [3], [16], [17], [31], [38]. To improve the system performance, it is necessary to ensure the optimal or suboptimal node placement scheme.
Problem Formulation
Long-term surveillance in a given area is one of the most common applications of radar systems. In this section, we derive a surveillance performance metric of the distributed MIMO radar system, and then the optimal radar node placement problem is established. Additionally, three representative system architectures of distributed MIMO radars adopting centralized fusion are presented.
A. The Objective Function of the Surveillance Performance
The redeployment of radar nodes takes a certain amount of time. Hence the optimized system performance under consideration should be long-term effort. Herein, similar to [18], [19], [39], we focus on the system surveillance performance, and propose a WCR as the evaluation index. The calculation of the WCR is presented later.
In order to evaluate the system performance, the RDA and the RSA are both discretized into grids, and the system performance at any point within a grid is approximated by that at the center point of this grid. By the discretization of the area, the positions of all the grid points in the RSA form a matrix \begin{equation*} {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \Psi }}} = [{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{1}},\ldots,{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{q}},\ldots,{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{Q}}],\tag{10}\end{equation*}
The surveillance performance of the radar system depends on the system detection performance at all grid points of the RSA. Therefore, the system detection performance metric, which is dependent on the detection probability of the target and the probability of false alarm, needs to be derived first.
Consider the calculation of the detection probability of the target located at \begin{align*} \begin{cases} {H_{1}}\!:{y_{m,n}}\!=\!{\sum \limits _{k = 0}^{K-1}\!{A_{m,n}(k)}{e^{j{\beta _{m,n}(k)}}}}{e^{j2\pi {f_{d,n}}kT}} \!+ \!\omega _{n},\\ {H_{0}}\!:{y_{m,n}}\!=\omega _{n},\\ \!\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;m = 1,\ldots,M,\;n = 1,\ldots,N, \end{cases}\tag{11}\end{align*}
Then the data after coherent processing from different channels are incoherently processed, with the square-law detector applied. Let \begin{equation*} z = \sum \limits _{m = 1}^{M} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N} {{{\left |{ {{y_{m,n}}} }\right |}^{2}}} }.\tag{12}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} {P_{fa}}=&P\{ z \ge \gamma |{H_{0}}\}, \\=&\exp \!\left ({{ - \frac {\gamma }{\sigma ^{2}}} }\right)\!\sum \limits _{i = 0}^{M \times N-1}\! {\frac {1}{i! }} {\left ({{\frac {\gamma }{\sigma ^{2}}} }\right)^{i}}, \tag{13}\\ {P_{d}}({{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{q}}})=&P\{ z \ge \gamma |{H_{1}}\}, \\=&{Q_{M \times N}}\left ({{\!\sqrt {2\sum \limits _{m = 1}^{M} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N} {\sum \limits _{k = 1}^{K}{{\frac {{A_{m,n}^{2}}(k)}{\sigma ^{2}}}} }} },\!\sqrt {{\frac {2\gamma }{\sigma ^{2}}}} } }\right), \\=&{Q_{M \times N}}\left ({{\!\sqrt {2\sum \limits _{m = 1}^{M} {\sum \limits _{n = 1}^{N} {{\chi _{m,n,q}}} } },\sqrt {{2\gamma \mathord {\left /{ {\vphantom {2\gamma {\sigma ^{2}}}} }\right. } {\sigma ^{2}}}} } }\right), \tag{14}\\ {\chi _{m,n,q}}=&{D_{0}}\frac {{{\sigma _{m,n}}{R_{\max }}}}{{\sigma _{0} {{({R_{m,q}^{\text {t}}}{R_{n,q}^{\text {r}}})}^{2}}}},\tag{15}\end{align*}
According to (13), (14) and (15), we can calculate the probabilities of detection of the target considering all grids of the RSA where the target appears possibly. Then, focusing the system surveillance performance in the entire RSA, the WCR, denoted by \begin{equation*} {\Gamma }({ \boldsymbol {\Theta }},{{{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \Psi }}}}) = {{\mathbf {w}^{\mathsf {T}}}{{\mathbf {c}}({{{{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \Psi }}}}})}} \times 100\%\tag{16}\end{equation*}
\begin{align*} {\mathbf {w}}=&{{\left [{ {w_{1},\ldots,{w_{q}},\ldots,{w_{Q}}} }\right]^{\mathsf {T}}} \mathord {\left /{ {\vphantom {{\left [{ {w_{1},\ldots,{w_{q}},\ldots,{w_{Q}}} }\right]} {\sum \limits _{q = 1}^{Q} {w_{q}} }}} }\right. } {\sum \limits _{q = 1}^{Q} {w_{q}} }} \!\in \! {\mathbb {R}^{Q \times 1}}, \\ {\mathbf {c}}({{{{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \Psi }}}}})=&[{c_{1}}({{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{1}}}),\!\ldots,{c_{q}}({{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{q}}}),\!\ldots,{c_{Q}}({{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{Q}}})]^{\mathsf {T}} \!\in \! {\mathbb {R}^{Q \times 1}}\!, \\ {c_{q}}({{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{q}}})=&\begin{cases} 1,&{P_{d}}({{ {\boldsymbol{\textstyle \psi }}_{q}}}) \geq {P_{dt}}, \\ 0,&{\text {others}}. \end{cases}\tag{17}\end{align*}
Remark 3:
Note that from (1), (2), (14), (15), (16) and (17), the WCR is related to the node positions and the location of the RSA. Once the RSA is determined, the WCR only depends on the node positions, and then
To ensure a satisfying surveillance performance of the radar system, it is necessary to optimize the node positions. As mentioned before, besides the surveillance performance, the localization performance and the velocity estimation performance, etc., are also related to the node positions [16], [17], but these are not the focus of this article.
B. Problem Formulation
In this article, we consider enhancing the surveillance performance of the radar system via optimizing the node positions. To distributed MIMO radar systems, the establishment of the optimal node positions can be translated into an optimization problem as \begin{align*}&\mathop { \text {maximize} }\limits _{ \boldsymbol {\Theta }} \;\;\;\;\;\;\; {\Gamma }({ \boldsymbol {\Theta }}), \\&s.t.\;\;\;{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{m}^{\text {t}} \in \mathbb {D},\;{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n}^{\text {r}} \in \mathbb {D}, \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{d_{\min }} \le d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{m }^{\text {t}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{i }^{\text {t}}} }\right), \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{d_{\min }} \le d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n }^{\text {r}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{j }^{\text {r}}} }\right), \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n}^{\text {r}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n,l}^{\text {f}}} }\right) \le {d_{n{-}\!\max }}, \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;m,\;\!i = 1,2,\ldots,M,\;m \;\!\ne i, \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;n,\;j = 1,2,\ldots,N,\;\;n \;\!\ne j, \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;l = 1,2,\ldots,L,\tag{18}\end{align*}
We note that the constraints of the optimization problem (18) are mainly related to the limitations of signal transmission from receiving nodes to the FC, and are independent of the target detection. In other words, we cannot judge whether the constraints are satisfied only by the value of the objective function.
Remark 4:
We note that the objective function and constraints of the optimization problem (18) are both related to the high-dimensional optimization variable \begin{align*}&\hspace {-.5pc}d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n}^{\text {r}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n,l}^{\text {f}}} }\right) \le {d_{n{-}\!\max }}, \\&\qquad\qquad\qquad\displaystyle {n = 1,2,\ldots,N,\;\;l = 1,2,\ldots,L.} \tag{19}\end{align*}
In the optimization problem (18), (19) is the description of generalized maximum distance constraint. To different system architectures, the different methods of selecting FCs connected with the receiver lead to different specific expressions of (19). We will give detailed explanation below.
C. The Specific Expressions of the Maximum Distance Constraints for Different System Architectures
From the perspective of practical applications, we consider the distributed MIMO radar system adopting different system architectures for centralized fusion. Herein, three representative system architectures are studied [41], shown as Fig. 3.
Sketch of three representative system architectures (The direction of the arrow represents the direction of signal transmission). (a). central node-type architecture; (b). netted architecture; (c). ringed architecture.
1) Central Node-Type Architecture
To the central node-type architecture, simple receiving nodes are equipped to obtain the electromagnetic information of the target, but such receiving nodes do not have the ability of information relay and information fusion processing. The radar system equips one or more external fixed FCs which are independent of the radar nodes, and each receiving node is connected to one certain FC. Such a system architecture is simple in structure and low in cost, but has poor robustness.
As we mentioned before, different maximum distance constraints would be established in the optimization problem considering different system architectures. To the central node-type architecture, the specific expression of (19) can be formulated as \begin{align*} \begin{cases} d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n}^{\text {r}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n,1}^{\text {f}}} }\right) \le {d_{n{-}\!\max }},\\ n = 1,2,\ldots,N. \end{cases}\tag{20}\end{align*}
2) Netted Architecture
To the netted architecture, complex receiving nodes are equipped, and such nodes have the ability of information relay and information fusion processing. In hostile environments, one of the receiving nodes is randomly selected as the FC. Due to the particularity of the FC selection, there has to be a communication link between any two receiving nodes. Such a system architecture is complex and costly with high robustness. After losing one or even more receiving nodes, the others can still integrate information and implement joint detection. To the netted architecture, the specific expression of (19) can be formulated as \begin{align*} \begin{cases} d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{n}^{\text {r}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{j }^{\text {r}}} }\right) \le \min \left ({{{d_{n {-}\!\max }},{d_{j {-}\!\max }}} }\right),\\ n,j= 1,2,\ldots,N,{n } \ne {j }.\; \end{cases}\tag{21}\end{align*}
3) Ringed Architecture
The ringed architecture is similar to the netted architecture, adopting the same receiving nodes and the same selection method of the FC. Different from the netted architecture, for the ringed architecture, only communication links between receiving nodes, which are with adjacent serial numbers or are corresponding to the minimum and the maximum serial numbers, are required. The ringed architecture is a compromised structure between the central node-type architecture and the netted architecture regarding robustness and cost. To the ringed architecture, the specific expression of (19) can be formulated as \begin{align*} \begin{cases} d\left ({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{k}^{\text {r}},{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{k+1}^{\text {r}}} }\right) \le \min \left ({{{d_{k{-}\!\max }},{d_{(k + 1){-}\!\max }}} }\right),\\ d\left ({{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{N}^{\text {r}}},{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle \theta }}}}_{1}^{\text {r}}}} }\right) \le \min \left ({{{d_{1{-}\!\max }},{d_{N{-}\!\max }}} }\right),\\ {k} = 1,\ldots,N - 1. \end{cases}\tag{22}\end{align*}
So far, the optimization problem is introduced completely. The current problem is difficult to solve. First, it is a high-dimensional, non-convex, and nonlinear problem to jointly consider all node positions with no gradient information available. Second, consistent with the node positions, the proposed distance constraints are two-dimensional. In [30], a one-dimensional minimum distance constraint is considered in the sparse linear array design problem, and the optimization problem model is transformed to eliminate the constraint. However, this method has severe limitations and cannot be used to solve optimization problems with constraints above one dimension or with maximum distance constraints. Third, the maximum and the minimum distance constraints are coupled. In most cases, the two kinds of distance constraints are even contradictory, and this makes it intractable to simultaneously satisfy both kinds of constraints. Finally, intelligent optimization algorithms, such as the PSO algorithm and genetic algorithm, are generally used to solve such high-dimensional, non-convex, nonlinear optimization problems. However, these algorithms normally treat positions of all radar nodes as a whole to jointly optimize, without considering the system distance constraints. To reduce the computational burden and satisfy the distance constraints, we propose a novel and widely applicable node placement algorithm based on PSO in the next section.
Node Placement Algorithm Based on PSO
The PSO algorithm is meta-heuristic in nature. It starts from a random solution, then searches the optimal solution through iterations with evaluating the qualities of solutions by an objective function [42], [43]. The PSO algorithm has been applied to many research fields, and it can greatly reduce the computational burden and allow us to get satisfying results [19], [21], [44]. However, the standard PSO algorithm is not suitable for solving optimization problems with complex constraints. Thus, based on the standard PSO, we propose a novel internal self-constrained PSO (ISC-PSO) algorithm to solve the proposed optimization problem with distance constraints. Next we describe the ISC-PSO algorithm.
Assuming that the swarm size is
To the particle
A. The Improved Rule of Velocity Update of Particles
The standard PSO algorithm obtains information from the global best position and the individual best position of the particle \begin{align*} {{\mathbf{V}}_{s}^{\text {g}}}(t + 1)=&{c_{1}}{r_{1}}(t)({{\mathbf{Y}}^{\text {g}}}(t) - {{\mathbf{X}}_{s}}(t)), \tag{23}\\ {{\mathbf{V}}_{s}^{\text {s}}}(t + 1)=&{c_{2}}{r_{2}}(t)({\mathbf {Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}} (t) - {{\mathbf{X}}_{s}}(t)),\tag{24}\end{align*}
However, such a rule of velocity update ignores the constraints within the particle. To consider the constraints, herein, in addition to the velocity update rule adopted by the standard PSO, we introduce the idea of virtual force [45], and propose a novel conditional velocity update method in the ISC-PSO algorithm. The proposed velocity update method provides the particle with velocity components conditionally, to compensate for the particle velocity when the the distance constraints are not satisfied, thereby prompting the satisfaction of the distance constraints among radar nodes and FCs.
Considering the \begin{align*} {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m,i {-} \!\min }^{\text {t}}}(t + 1) \!=\! \begin{cases} \!\mathbf {0},\;{\text {if}}\;d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}(t),\;{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,i}^{\text {t}}}(t)}) \geq \;{d_{\min }}, \\ \!{c_{3}}{r_{3}}(t)({{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}(t) - {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,i}^{\text {t}}}(t)),{\text {otherwise}}. \\ \end{cases}\tag{25}\end{align*}
A special case of \begin{align*} {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m,i {-} \rm {ove}}^{\text {t}}}(t + 1) \!=\! \begin{cases} {\mathbf {0}},\;{\text {if}}\;d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}(t),\;{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,i}^{\text {t}}}(t)}) \ne 0, \\ {c_{4}}{r_{4}}(t){\mathbf {e}},\;{\text {otherwise}}, \\ \end{cases}\tag{26}\end{align*}
Similarly, considering the \begin{align*} \!{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n,j {-} \!\min }^{\text {r}}}\!(t + 1)=&\begin{cases} \!\textbf {0},\;{\text {if}}\;d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,j}^{\text {r}}}(t),\;{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t)}) \geq {d_{\min }}, \\ \!{c_{3}}{r_{3}}(t)({{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t) \!-\! {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,j}^{\text {r}}}(t)),{\text {otherwise}}, \\ \end{cases} \tag{27}\\ \;{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n,j {-} \rm {ove}}^{\text {r}}}(t + 1)=&\begin{cases} {\mathbf {0}},\;{\text {if}}\;d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,j}^{\text {r}}}(t),\;{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t)}) \ne 0, \\ {c_{4}}{r_{4}}(t){\mathbf {e}},\;\;\;{\text {otherwise}}. \\ \end{cases}\tag{28}\end{align*}
Different from the transmitters, if the distance between the \begin{align*} {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n,l {-} \!\max }^{\text {r}}}(t + 1) \!=\! \begin{cases} \!{\mathbf {0}},\;{\text {if}}\;d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t),\;{\mathbf{X}}_{s,n,l}^{\text {f}}(t)}) \le {d_{n{-}\!\max }}, \\ \!{c_{5}}{r_{5}}(t)({ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n,l}^{\text {f}}(t) - {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t)),\;\!{\text {otherwise}}. \\ \end{cases}\tag{29}\end{align*}
Figs. 4(a), (b), and (c) show the directions of
Sketch of directions of the proposed particle velocity components to satisfy the distance constraints. (a).
Considering the influence of all radar nodes comprehensively, for the \begin{align*} {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m {-} \!\min }^{\text {t}}}(t + 1)=&\sum \limits _{i = 1,i \ne m}^{M} \!{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m,i {-} \!\min }^{\text {t}}}}(t + 1),\tag{30}\\ {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m {-} \rm {ove} }^{\text {t}}}(t + 1)=&\sum \limits _{i = 1,i \ne m}^{M} \!{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m,i {-} \rm {ove} }^{\text {t}}}}(t + 1).\tag{31}\end{align*}
For the \begin{align*} {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n {-} \!\min }^{\text {r}}}(t + 1)=&\sum \limits _{j = 1,j \ne n}^{N} \!{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n,j {-} \!\min }^{\text {r}}}}(t + 1), \tag{32}\\ {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n {-} \rm {ove} }^{\text {r}}}(t + 1)=&\sum \limits _{j = 1,j \ne n}^{N} \!{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n,j {-} \rm {ove} }^{\text {r}}}}(t + 1), \tag{33}\\ {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n {-} \!\max }^{\text {r}}}(t + 1)=&\;\;\sum \limits _{l = 1}^{L} \;\;{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n,l {-} \!\max }^{\text {r}}}}(t + 1).\tag{34}\end{align*}
Algorithm 1 Strategy of Velocity Update of Particles in ISC-PSO for Node Placement Optimization Problem
end for
end for
Calculate the final
end for
end for
Now, we divide the integrated particle velocity update into two steps, formulated as:
The first stage:\begin{align*}&\hspace {-.5pc}{{\mathbf {V}}_{s}} (t + 1,1) = \mu (t) \times {{\mathbf {V}}_{s}} (t,2) \!+ {c_{1}}{r_{1}} (t) \times ({{\mathbf {Y}}^{\text {g}}} (t) \!-\! {{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t)) \\&\quad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\displaystyle {+\, {c_{2}}{r_{2}} (t) ({\mathbf {Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}} (t) - {{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t)),} \tag{35}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} {{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}}(t + 1,2)=&{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}}(t + 1,1)\tag{36}\\&+\,\sum \limits _{i = 1, i~\ne m}^{M}\!{c_{3}{r_{3}}(t)({{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}(t) - {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,i}^{\text {t}}}(t))} \\&\times \; u({{d_{\min }} - d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}(t),\!{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,i}^{\text {t}}}(t)})}) \\&+\,\sum \limits _{i = 1,i \ne m}^{M} \!{c_{4}{r_{4}}(t)} \delta ({d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,m}^{\text {t}}}(t),{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,i}^{\text {t}}}(t)})}), \\ \!{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}}(t + 1,2)=&{{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle v}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}}(t + 1,1) \\&+\,\!\sum \limits _{\;\;\;j = 1, j \ne n}^{N} \!{c_{3}{r_{3}}(t)({{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t) - {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,j}^{\text {r}}}(t))} \\&\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\times \; u({{d_{\min }} - d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t),{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,j}^{\text {r}}}(t)})}) \\&+\,\!\sum \limits _{j = 1,j \ne n}^{N} \!{c_{4}{r_{4}}(t)} \delta ({d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t),{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,j}^{\text {r}}}(t)})}) \\&+\,\!\;\;\;\sum \limits _{l = 1}^{L} \;{c_{5}{r_{5}}(t)({ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n,l}^{\text {f}}(t) - {{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t))} \\&\times \; u({d({{{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n}^{\text {r}}}(t),{ {{\boldsymbol{\textstyle x}}}}_{s,n,l}^{\text {f}}(t)}) -{d_{n{-}\!\max }}}),\tag{37}\end{align*}
In (36), (37), we define the function \begin{align*} u (x) = \begin{cases} 1, & x> 0, \\ 0, & x\le 0, \\ \end{cases}\tag{38}\end{align*}
\begin{align*} \;\delta (x) = \begin{cases} 1,& x = 0, \\ 0,&{\text {others}}. \\ \end{cases}\tag{39}\end{align*}
After the particle velocity update, the position of the particle \begin{equation*} {{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t + 1) = {{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t) + {{\mathbf {V}}_{s}} (t + 1,2).\tag{40}\end{equation*}
Remark 5:
It should be noted that, as we stated above, the velocity update process of the particle is divided into two stages. In the first stage, the information between particles is utilized, mainly to promote the evolution of the particle to directions where a better objective function value could be obtained. In the second stage, the velocity update process includes three parts, respectively corresponding to the three unsatisfied distance constraints. The information within the particle is utilized in this stage, mainly to promote the evolution of the particle to directions where more distance constraints could be satisfied.
B. The Improved Strategies of the Best Position Update of Particles
In addition to the improvements of the particle velocity update, in the ISC-PSO algorithm, the best position update rules with respect to the individual and the global best positions, are also improved to drive the evolution of particles to directions where more distance constraints could be satisfied.
In contrast with the standard PSO algorithm, a constraint indicator function
The individual best position of particle \begin{align*} {\mathbf {Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}} (t) = \begin{cases} {{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t),\;\!\;t=1, \\ {{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t),\;\!\;t \geq 2, \{{\Gamma } ({{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t))\!>\!{\Gamma } ({\mathbf {Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}} (t - 1))\; \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\!\& \& \;count ({{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t)) = 0\} \parallel \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\!\left \{{count ({{\mathbf {X}}_{s}} (t))\! < \!\text {min}\left ({count ({\mathbf {Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}} (t'))}\right)}\right \}\!, \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\!t'=1,2,\ldots,t-1, \\ {\mathbf {Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}} (t - 1),\;{\text {others}}{.}\;\;\;\;\; \\ \end{cases}\tag{41}\end{align*}
\begin{align*}&\hspace {-2pc}{ {\boldsymbol{Y}}_{\text {g}{-}\text {select}}}(t) \\=&\mathop {\arg \max }\limits _{{\mathbf{Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}}(t)} {\Gamma }({\mathbf{Y}}_{s}^{\text {s}}(t)),\;\;1 \le s \le S, \tag{42}\\ \!{{\mathbf {Y}}^{\text {g}}} (t)=&\begin{cases} {{\mathbf {Y}}_{\text {g}{-}\text {select}}} (t),\;\;t=1, \\ {{\mathbf {Y}}_{\text {g}{-}\text {select}}} (t),\;\;t \geq 2,\{count ({{\mathbf {Y}}_{\text {g}{-}\text {select}}} (t))=0\} \parallel \\ \;\;\left \{{count ({{\mathbf {Y}}_{\text {g}{-}\text {select}}} (t)) < \text {min}\left ({count ({{\mathbf {Y}}^{\text {g}}} (t'))}\right)}\right \}, \\ \;\;t'=1,2,\ldots,t-1,\\ {{\mathbf {Y}}^{\text {g}}} (t-1),\;\;{\text {others}}{.}\;\;\;\;\; \\ \end{cases}\tag{43}\end{align*}
The best of the node placement schemes represented by all particles at the
Algorithm 2 Node Placement Algorithm Based on ISC-PSO
end for
Update the particle velocity and position,
Update the particle individual best position,
end for
Update the global best position of all particles,
end for
C. Complexity Analysis
In this article, we analyze the computational complexity of the proposed ISC-PSO algorithm in terms of flops, with the standard PSO algorithm being the benchmark. We define one addition, subtraction, multiplication, division of two floating-point numbers, comparison operation and logical operation as a flop [46], and the computational complexities of vector operations is calculated considering the vector dimensions. Since we can get the result of the function
In TABLE 1, computational complexities of all operations in each algorithm are given. We conclude that, by omitting the lower-order terms, the computational complexity of the standard PSO algorithm is
The proposed ISC-PSO algorithm will converge to a suboptimal feasible solution, to which all the distance constraints are satisfied. Several numerical simulations, which highlight the applicability and effectiveness of the ISC-PSO algorithm, are given in the next section.
Remark 6:
It should be noted that, as mentioned before, the PSO algorithm has a wide range of application. The proposed ISC-PSO algorithm, which is based on the standard PSO, can also be widely applicable to various optimization problems with distance constraints, such as path planning, array optimization, etc.
Numerical Results
As stated above, in order to verify the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed ISC-PSO algorithm in different application scenarios, we consider:
different algorithms, including the ISC-PSO with the standard PSO being the benchmark,
different system architectures,
different communication capabilities of receivers (i.e., different maximum distance constraints between different receivers and the corresponding FCs), and
different numbers of FCs (for the central node-type architecture), and different radar node deployment scenarios (for the netted architecture).
For an intuitive analysis and meaningful conclusions, as a specific case of distributed MIMO radar systems with
A. The Same Communication Capabilities of Radar Nodes
We consider simulation scenarios where the communication capabilities of radar nodes are the same, i.e., the maximum distance constraints between the nodes and the corresponding FCs are the same. To three architectures, simulation scenarios are set as follows:
the RSA is a square region of size
,620 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} \times 620 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} the RDA is a square region of size
,300 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} \times 300 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} the grid is also a square region of size
, and20 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} \times 20 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} the RDA is at the center of the RSA.
We use
The standard PSO algorithm and the ISC-PSO algorithm are the same in some operations, and all the parameters used in the PSO, including
1) Central Node-Type Architecture
The parameters of ISC-PSO algorithm are as follows:
Fig. 5 shows the simulation results when the system adopts the central node-type architecture with one FC. From Fig. 5(c), we see that the iteration curve of the
Optimization results of the central node-type architecture with a single FC (the values shown in the grids in (a), (b) represent the probabilities of detection 1). (a). surveillance performance by the PSO; (b). surveillance performance by the ISC-PSO; (c).
In this simulation scenario, the FC is fixed at the center of the RDA and the positions of 10 nodes are optimized. However, in Fig. 5(a), there are only 6 nodes shown in the RDA because there are 4 nodes sharing overlapping positions with other nodes, and we can see that many node pairs do not satisfy the distance constraints as the result of the PSO algorithm. In contrast with the PSO, all node pairs can satisfy all the distance constraints when using the ISC-PSO algorithm, shown as Fig. 5(b). The above results prove that the system performance can be enhanced with the distance constraints satisfied by optimizing the node positions using the ISC-PSO algorithm.
We also observe that the placement scheme obtained by the ISC-PSO algorithm shows slightly weaker surveillance performance than that obtained by the PSO algorithm. This is reasonable due to the nature of the optimization problem, and this phenomenon is the result of compromise between surveillance mission and satisfaction of the distance constraints. When the maximum distance constraint exists, the nodes tend to be closer to the corresponding FCs, and this leads to the concentration of electromagnetic energy. As a result, the outer area cannot obtain enough electromagnetic energy to detect the target effectively.
Consider multiple fixed FCs for the central node-type architecture. We assume that the RDA is expanded to the same size as the RSA. When there are 2 FCs and 8 radar nodes, the nodes numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 are connected with the FC numbered 1, the nodes numbered 5, 6, 7, 8 are connected with the FC numbered 2. When there are 3 FCs and 9 radar nodes, the nodes numbered 1, 2, 3 are connected with the FC numbered 1, the nodes numbered 4, 5, 6 are connected with the FC numbered 2, and the nodes numbered 7, 8, 9 are connected with the FC numbered 3. The simulation results are shown as Fig. 6, and it is shown that we can still obtain a satisfying node placement scheme with the distance constraints satisfied using the proposed ISC-PSO algorithm.
Optimized surveillance performance of the central node-type architecture with multiple FCs by the ISC-PSO. (a). two FCs; (b). three FCs.
2) Netted and Ringed Architectures
The parameters of the ISC-PSO algorithm for both architectures are as follows:
Optimization results of the netted architecture. (a). surveillance performance by the PSO; (b). surveillance performance by the ISC-PSO; (c).
Optimization results of the ringed architecture. (a). surveillance performance by the PSO; (b). surveillance performance by the ISC-PSO; (c).
We observe that the results are nearly the same when the radar system adopts the netted architecture or the ringed architecture, as when the central node-type architecture is adopted. The results show that the system surveillance performance can be enhanced with the distance constraints satisfied by optimizing the node positions using the ISC-PSO algorithm, and the optimization process similarly undergoes through two stages. We also find that, when the netted architecture is adopted, in the second stage of the optimization process using the ISC-PSO algorithm, the increase of the coverage ratio is inapparent, as shown in Fig. 7(d). This is due to the strict nature of the distance constraints with respect to the netted architecture. To satisfy such strict distance constraints, more nodes come close to each other, and this leads to the degradation of the system surveillance performance.
We also compare the optimized surveillance performance of the radar systems adopting three different architectures under the same simulation scenario and parameters, and the result is shown in Fig. 9. We observe that the radar system adopting the ringed architecture has the best surveillance performance, while the surveillance performance of the radar system adopting the netted architecture is the worst. Correspondingly, the radar system adopting the netted architecture is the most robust.
Comparison result of the surveillance performance of the radar systems adopting three architectures in the case of the same communication capabilities of radar nodes.
B. Different Communication Capabilities of Radar Nodes
We consider scenarios where the communication capabilities of radar nodes are different, i.e., the maximum distance constraints between nodes and the corresponding FCs are different. Parameters for three architectures are set as follows:
the RSA is a square region of size
,620 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} \times 620 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} the RDA is a square region of size
,300 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} \times 300 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} the grid is also a square region of size
, and20 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} \times 20 \,\,{\mathrm{km}} the RDA is at the center of the RSA.
We set
Optimization results of the surveillance performance in the case of different communication capabilities of radar nodes (
As we did in the above case, in the case of different communication capabilities of radar nodes, we compare the optimized surveillance performance of the radar systems adopting three different architectures under the same simulation scenario and parameters. The result is shown as Fig. 11. We are surprised to find that, different from the case where the nodes have the same communication capabilities, when
Comparison result of the surveillance performance of the radar systems adopting three architectures in the case of different communication capabilities of radar nodes.
C. Application Scenarios
In this subsection, we consider two realistic and more challenging application scenarios where the RDA and the RSA are non-overlapping, shown as Fig. 12. Such scenarios commonly appears in the applications of area-denial and the defense of open sea. The radar systems for both the simulations below adopt the netted architecture which enforces the most strict distance constraints. The communication capabilities of radar nodes are assumed to be the same, and the parameters of the ISC-PSO algorithm is given in TABLE 3 with the repetitive parameters of the PSO omitted.
1) Application Scenario I
In this scenario, the boundary of the RDA and the RSA is smooth. The whole area is a square region of size
Optimization results. (a). surveillance performance by the PSO; (b). surveillance performance by the ISC-PSO.
From Fig. 13, we observe that both node deployment schemes guarantee good surveillance performance by deploying radar nodes at the boundary of the RDA and the RSA. In such a situation, to satisfy the distance constraints, the relative positional relationship of the nodes is uniquely determined, and each node is kept 40 kilometers away from the nearest nodes. Hence the enforcement of the distance constraints is strict. Similar to the simulation results presented previously, we observe that some nodes overlap when using the PSO algorithm. In contrast, we can obtain an accurate node placement scheme using the ISC-PSO algorithm.
2) Application Scenario II
In this scenario, the RDA has a convex surface facing the RSA. The whole area is a square region of size
Optimization results. (a). surveillance performance by the PSO; (b). surveillance performance by the ISC-PSO.
From Fig. 14(a), we see that all the optimized node positions obtained by the PSO algorithm gather in the protruding position of the RDA and even overlap. The radar systems adopting such a deployment scheme is easy to be hit and destroyed, and the spatial diversity gain cannot be well utilized. Hence such a deployment scheme is not advisable. In contrast, the deployment scheme obtained by the ISC-PSO algorithm is satisfactory. From Fig. 14(b), we observe that all the distance constraints are satisfied, and the optimized node positions are properly dispersed, to fully utilize the spatial diversity gain and get stronger robustness.
This set of simulations further illustrates the necessity of introducing distance constraints when optimizing the node positions, and verifies the applicability and effectiveness of the proposed ISC-PSO algorithm.
We have studied an optimization problem of node placement with distance constraints in this article. We have derived an analytical expression for the detection probability for distributed MIMO radar systems, and have formulated a node placement optimization problem with distance constraints. Then a node placement algorithm based on the ISC-PSO has been proposed to solve the formulated optimization problem with complex constraints. Our simulation results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed node placement algorithm.