I. Introduction
Bioinspired computing focuses on the designs and developments of computer algorithms and models based on biological mechanisms and living phenomena, which includes quantum computing [27]; DNA computing [33], [63], [67]; membrane computing [42]; etc. In this article, we focus on the research area of membrane computing, which is an active bioinspired field initiated by Păun [42], who discussed computing models motivated by the behavior and structure of cells, understanding the processes that take place in the compartments as computations. All the computing devices considered in this paradigm are called P systems [42]. Since the initial model proposes in this area, various system models have been presented and investigated in the aspects of computer science [1], [22], [52]; mathematics [7], [28]; and biochemistry [15], [23]. A brief summary of membrane computing can be found in monographs [43], [45], while a review of applications of this field can be found in [14] and [21].