I. Introduction
System frequency is a key parameter in the control of generation-load imbalance in power grids; it can be used, for instance, to determine the harmonic contents of currents drawn by nonlinear loads. Accurate frequency estimation is essential, since maintaining the nominal frequency value is a prerequisite for the stability of the grid and normal operation of electrical devices. Considering the power system voltage waveform as a pure sinusoid, the time between two zero crossings is an indication of system frequency [3]. However, in reality, the measured voltages are only available in a noisy or distorted form, and a variety of architectures and algorithms has been developed to cater for these scenarios. These include phase-locked loops (PLLs) [4], [5]; notch filters [6]; least-squares (LS) techniques and their variants [3], [7], [8]; adaptive filtering [9]–[11]; Kalman filtering [12], [13]; Taylor series [14], [15]; and iterative approaches [16]–[18].