I. Introduction
Recently, the concept of an islanded hybrid ac/dc microgrid (IHMG) has received much attention due to its potential capabilities for integrating various types of distributed generators (DGs) including renewable energy sources, loads, and energy storage devices, with a view to enhancing their efficiency and compatibility [1]–[3]. An IHMG system consists of ac and dc microgrids (MGs) that are connected by interlinking converters (ICs). Controlling an IHMG is more challenging than controlling a pure islanded ac or dc MG, because ac and dc MGs and ICs should be considered simultaneously [4]. In particular, ICs play a critical role in an IHMG because they can act as an energy buffer, exchanging active power between ac and dc MGs [5]. Appropriate IC control enhances the reliability and flexibility of an IHMG by coordinating DGs in ac and dc MGs [4], [5], hence many studies on IHMGs have focused on active power management of ICs [1]–[18].