I. Introduction
It is well established that the minority carrier lifetime () and the surface recombination velocity () are important parameters for characterizing photovoltaic cells [1]–[3]. Because of this importance, the dependence of on the various microscopic parameters of Si wafers has been extensively studied in the past few decades, and effective and fast methods of measuring it have been proposed. The usual method is measuring the photoconductance decay (PCD) while the Si wafer surfaces are covered with a passivating thin film [3], [4], such as a-Si:H, Al O, SiO , or SiN, or a passivating liquid [5], such as HF [6] or I/ethanol [7]. Although thin film passivation may be a more practical route in most cases, this passivation scheme usually involves high-temperature steps, which may degrade the wafer bulk and change . In these cases, liquid passivation may be more appropriate.