I. Introduction
Microgrids (MGs) represent an attractive solution in many applications, such as terrestrial, naval or aerospace electrical grids, due to their controllability, capability to include Distributed Generators (DGs) and flexibility [1]. MGs can be classified according to their specific electrical distribution structure as DC [2], AC [3] or Hybrid MGs [3]. Focusing on three phase AC MGs, the control is typically divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary control. Primary control directly regulates each DG’s electrical variables to their desired values, at their point of connection to the MG [3], [4] while tertiary control establishes the power routing across the MG, based on external and internal factors, such as load power demand, DG electrical generation capabilities and cost of energy [3]. Secondary control is responsible for restoring voltage and frequency on the electrical lines and maintaining the desired operation of the MG [3].