I. Introduction
Optical frequency comb (OFC) sources have been proven be useful in numerous applications including molecular spectroscopy [1], RF photonics [2], millimeter wave generation [3], frequency metrology [4], atomic clock [5] and dense/ultra-dense wavelength division multiplexed high speed optical communications [6]. These applications require highly stable, coherent and cost OFC sources. Typical OFC sources generate multiple carriers offering low power consumption and complexity by replacing multiple independent lasers with a single subsystem [7]. OFCs in whispering gallery modes (WGMs) microcavities [7], or ‘microcombs’, are coherent light sources generated by a continuous-wave laser pump and have attracted extensive attention [9]–[10]. The WGM microcavity-based OFC is first realized in the silica microtoroid cavity [11]. Up to now, Kerr frequency combs are successfully generated in spherical, ring, toroid, disk, and bottle microcavities made of different materials with third-order optical nonlinearity or second-order nonlinearity [12], [13] [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22]. Compared with traditional OFCs built on mode-locked lasers, microcomb is considered a new type of coherent light source that shows unique and promising advantages of lower power consumption as well as whole system integratability. Further, microcombs are also capable of generating ultrashort pulses with gigahertz to terahertz repetition rates [23]. As shown in Table I, typical microcombs are briefed. OFC generation with different spectral coverages have been demonstrated various material platforms, including the micro-cavity types, materials, Q factor values, wavelength ranges, etc. Among them, the silica spherical microcavity is one of the simplest ones because it is easy to be engineered to sphere shapes by melting the end of a standard single-mode fiber using CO2 laser [21]. The microsphere cavity has become an ideal candidate for OFC generation at low threshold powers [17], [18], [19], [20]. Typical Parameters of Microcavities Made of Different Materials
Material | Structure | Q factor | FSR (GHz) | Wavelength range (nm) | Refs |
Si3N4 | microring | 0.6×106 | 1000 | 850 to 2000 | [12] |
microring | 1.5×106 | ∼230 | 1500 to 1650 | [13] | |
LiNbO3 | microring | 1.1×106 | ∼200 | 1830 to 2130 | [14] |
SiO2 | microbubble | 5×107 | ∼464 | 1530 to 1560 | [15] |
microbottle | 1×107 | ∼400 | 1520 to 1600 | [16] | |
microsphere | 3.7×107 | ∼260 | 1500 to 1600 | [17] | |
5×107 | ∼408 | 1400 to 1700 | [21] | ||
2×107 | ∼357 | 1300 to 1700 | [22] |