I. Introduction
Coherent optical detection together with advanced modulation format has been adopted for achieving long-haul and high spectral efficiency fiber transmission systems. Recently coherent detection is also considered as a possible enable technology in metro or access network. In future dynamic and flexible network scenarios, the accurate and time-saving BER monitoring is an indispensable function to support software-defined optical network. As a common method, the direct error counting (DEC) can be used to obtain accurate BER directly with enough data [1]. However, the accuracy of DEC is dependent on the number of signals, which means that it is time-consuming to calculate a low-level BER. For example, considering forward error correction (FEC) is not employed in some access networks, the very low BER threshold is configured. As a result, the large amount of data is required for counting and consequently the counting procedure is very time-consuming [2]. Meanwhile, this also indicates that DEC can not obtain accurate BER if the short signal sequence is available [3]. Furthermore, the transmitted data must be known for DEC, which limits the flexibility in practical application.