I. Introduction
Long reach passive optical networks (LR-PONs) have gained considerable research interest as they would combine the current separate metro and access networks into a single, integrated network by extending the coverage span of the access networks from the traditional 20-km range to up to 100-km [1], which can significantly reduce the cost and simplify the architecture [2]. In LR-PONs, the optical intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) scheme can offer lower cost and low complexity compared with coherent schemes. Optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (O-OFDM) combined with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is also a promising modulation scheme due to its high spectral efficiency, its tolerance to inter-symbol interference (ISI), and its modulation flexibility [3] –[5]. For the IM/DD OFDM system, chromatic dispersion (CD) induced power fading is one of the main bottlenecks that limit its feasibility for economical long reach operation [6]–[8]. This power fading effect may induce a frequency dependent power dip that cannot be recovered using linear equalization methods [9] or a long cyclic prefix. Single side-band (SSB) and vestigial-sideband (VSB) schemes and electronic dispersion precompensation have been employed in IM/DD systems to mitigate the power fading, which may also result in additional complexity [10], [11]. In our previous work, the CD induced power fading in optical OFDM systems was effectively compensated using super-Nyquist image induced aliasing [12] , [13].