I. Introduction
With the rapid development and popularity of smart mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, as well as the development of wireless communication technology, wireless services are extended from traditional connection-centric communications, such as phone calls, e-mails, and web browsing, to content-centric communications, including music streaming, video streaming, and mobile TV [1]. Compared with traditional connection-centric communications of relatively low data rate, content-centric communications generally create much more data traffic, and thus incur more pressure to the existing wireless networks. It is predicted that the wireless data traffic will increase by 1,000 fold by 2020. On the other hand, for content-centric communications, the required contents are not unique in many cases. Instead, identical contents may be requested by multiple users simultaneously, especially when it comes to popular videos or TV programs, which is referred to as content reuse in [2]. Taking advantage of the property of content reuse, wireless multicast transmission becomes one promising solution for the rapidly increasing content-centric communications [3]. By means of multicast transmission, the same content can be transmitted to multiple users simultaneously without extra resources, which can significantly improve the system performance compared with the point-to-point transmission. It can be envisioned that multicast transmission will play an important role in the next generation wireless networks.