Inertia matrix.
Coriolis/centrifugal matrix.
Vector of gravity.
Nominal system parameters.
Vector of external torque.
Vectors of the joint positions, velocities, and accelerations.
Computed torque controller, input torque vector, compensation controller.
Desired trajectory vectors.
Tracking error vectors.
Diagonal matrix of the position.
Diagonal matrix of the damping gain.
Unknown uncertainty.
Uncertainty boundary, estimation error of the bound, estimated error bound.
Sliding surface and its derivative.
Learning rate of the estimation bound.
Positive constant matrix.
Time profile of the faults.
Unknown time of the fault occurrence.
Estimation of the angular velocity vector of the joints.
Scalar constant.
Estimation of the fault.
Estimation error of the velocity vector.
Input of the node.
Output of the node.
Index of neuron for input, context, output feedback, and hidden layers.
Iteration number.
Number of input neurons and output feedback and output layer neurons.
Self-connection feedback gain.
Number of both context and hidden layer neurons.
Associated translation of the wavelet functions.
Dilation parameters of the wavelet functions.
Summation of the firing strengths.
Mother wavelet.
Connective weight between the th hidden layer and the th output layer.
Robust fault-tolerant controller.
Optimal recurrent wavelet Elman neural network (RWENN) estimator.
Optimal constant parameter matrix and vectors of , , , and .
Estimated parameter matrix and vectors of , , , and .
Estimation error of the fault, weight, and hidden layer output.
Vector of higher order terms.
Lumped uncertainty term.
Approximation error.
Learning rates of RWENN.
Lyapunov function candidate.
TRMSETotal root-mean-square error.
ISEIntegral square error.
ITAEIntegral time-weighted absolute error.
IAEIntegral absolute error.