I. Introduction
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an active observation system applied in the field of remote sensing. With the development of electronic information technology, SAR can now obtain long-range, high-resolution images. Since SAR can be imaged all day and in all weather, it is widely used in civil and military fields, such as environmental monitoring and ocean monitoring [1]. Because of the limitation of the imaging mechanism, the quality of SAR images can be seriously affected by the speckle noise generated by the interference of backward-scattered microwave signals, which brings challenges to the subsequent visual interpretation of SAR images (e.g., target detection, etc.). The suppression of speckle noise in SAR images is, therefore, a crucial task. To obtain high-quality SAR images, scholars from various countries have conducted various research on the task of SAR image denoising. In general, SAR denoising algorithms can be divided into three major categories: denoising algorithms based on spatial domain filtering, denoising algorithms based on frequency-domain filtering, and denoising algorithms based on deep learning. They are simply introduced in the following.