I. Overview of MAM Process Monitoring System
Due to its excellent capabilities in building high performance metal components with complex structures, metal-based additive manufacturing (MAM) has been the most important additive manufacturing (AM) technologies, with broad application in aerospace, biomedical and automotive industries [1]–[3]. According to the material feeding methods, MAM processes are divided into two categories: direct energy deposition (DED) and powder bed fusion (PBF) [4]. The DED processes, such as laser metal deposition (LMD) and wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAMM) use synchronous feeding of powder or wire to fill the melt pool area with raw materials at the same time of high-energy beam scanning. The PBF uses a high-energy power source to build 3-D part layer-by-layer by fusing fine powders laid in the build chamber in advance. It mainly includes selective laser melting (SLM), selective laser sintering (SLS), and electron beam melting (EBM). Due to the coupling of complex physical-metallurgical processes in a very short time, the MAM build is prone to macro mechanical defects such as balling [5], [6], delamination, cracking [7], [8], powder bed defects [9], [10], and micro metallurgical defects such as porosity [11] and lack of fusion [12]. Table I gives the common defects in MAM. The mechanical properties of AM metal parts are deteriorated due to the internal defects of materials, which brings the main technical bottleneck in MAM applications. In order to produce high-quality parts, it is very important to monitor and control the defects of the build at the incipient stage. Adaptively adjusting process parameters can eliminate build defects, improve the build quality and the process stability. Common Defects of MAM Process