Introduction and Background
DVB-NGH (Next Generation Handheld) is the mobile evolution of the second generation digital terrestrial TV broadcasting technology, DVB-T2 (Terrestrial 2nd Generation) [1]. Its deployment is motivated by the continuous growth of mobile multimedia services to hand-held devices such as tablet computers and smart-phones. Its main objective is to provide superior performance, robustness, and increased indoor coverage compared with other existing DVB standards, including DVB-H (Handheld) and DVB-SH (Satellite services to Handheld devices). DVB-NGH is based on the physical layer of DVB-T2 and has been designed so that it can be incorporated in DVB-T2 transmissions, allowing the re-use of spectrum and infra-structure. Its standardization started in March 2010 and it was completed at the beginning of 2013. The main technical solutions of the new mobile TV broadcasting standard are:
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) for increased spatial diversity and transmission rate.
TFS (Time Frequency Slicing) for increased frequency diversity and more efficient statistical multiplexing.
Convolutional time interleaving for increased time diversity.
Improved LDPC codes and lower code rates.
Improved signalling robustness compared to DVB-T2.
RoHC (Robust Header Compression) to reduce the overhead due to IP encapsulation.
Additional satellite component for a hybrid profile .
SVC (Scalable Video Coding) with MPLPs (Multiple Physical Layer Pipes) for graceful service degradation.
Efficient transmission of local services within SFN (Single Frequency Network).