I. Introduction
The line-commutated-converter based high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission technology has the advantages of large transmission capacity, low power loss, and flexible transmission power adjustment, and is widely used in new energy transmission [1], [2]. However, as one of the abnormal conditions of dc transmission systems, commutation failure (CF) will cause the great reduction of rectifier reactive power consumption and then the overvoltage to the rectifier ac system [3], [4]. It seriously threatens the stability of wind farms and even the whole power system [5], [6]. During the period of CF, the dc control system affects the dynamic change of rectifier dc voltage and dc current, and then the reactive power consumption of rectifier [7], [8]. Because the voltage-dependent current order limiter (VDCOL) control provides the dc current reference value to the dc control system, it will affect the reactive power characteristic of the rectifier. Therefore, the VDCOL control has played an important role in the development of rectifier ac overvoltage.