I. Introduction
Large industrial power consumers, particularly those in continuous process industries, often have on-site generation capabilities in order to meet their essential power requirements. Islanding is defined as a condition where a portion of the power system that contains loads and on-site generation remains energized but is electrically isolated from the rest of the utility system [1]. Typically, islanding is caused by a disturbance in the utility system due to faults or wide fluctuations in frequency and/or voltage caused by real and reactive power mismatch. Fig. 1 shows a simplified one-line diagram of an industrial plant interconnected to a utility. Under normal operating conditions, the on-site generators operate in parallel with the utility to feed the total plant load. The local generation (P G) plus the imported power (P I) together meet the entire plant load (P L). For a fault on the line supplying power to the plant, line protective relaying will detect the fault and open Breakers 2 and 3, thus resulting in a loss of utility supply to the plant and leaving it islanded.