I. Introduction
Renewable energy (RE) generation and effective utilization of available energy resources, have emerged as an exemplary panacea for increasing carbon footprint, depleting fossil fuels, increasing global warming and changing climatic conditions [1]. Clean nature, noiseless operation, and abundant availability even at remote locations, have made the solar energy best form of RE available in the present scenario [2]. Decreasing capital cost, minimal maintenance cost, and zero operating cost, have made solar photovoltaic (SPV) system an excellent conceivable way to harness solar energy [3], [4]. Recently, SPV fed water pumping is receiving wider attention [5]. For areas having no accessibility to the grid and good solar insolation availability for most of the days in a year, the solar water pumping (SWP) is meeting the water requirement for daily basic activities [6]. Moreover, SWP is providing a great boost to agricultural and industrial activities [7], [8].