I. Introduction
Modeling plasmas and other charged media as sources is a needed capability to better understand and design many real-world devices. Of the many techniques to model this phenomena, the particle-in-cell (PIC) method has been a popular approach. A wide variety of fields depend on PIC as a computational method, ranging from fundamental science of space weather, nuclear fusion, atomic processes, on one hand, to high technology applications like particle accelerators, coherent electromagnetic radiation sources, and plasma processing devices on the other. PIC, at a glance, works as follows: charged media, represented as a collection of particles, move in a domain under the influence of fields that are due to the motion of these particles. This calls for self-consistent solution of Maxwell’s equations in conjunction with equation of motion. Given application drivers stated earlier, there has been extensive development of EM-PIC methods [1]–[5]. Several of these have been used extensively in the design of devices [6]–[10]. While traditional application were electrically large albeit geometrically simple, there is burgeoning interest in devices with significantly geometric complexity but smaller footprint. As a result, there is a need for EM-PIC methods with greater capabilities [11], [12].