I. Introduction
The physics of electromagnetic shock wave formation [1], [2] allows producing of radio frequency pulses behind the traveling voltage pulse front. This technique based on the circuits with nonlinear elements and materials has been under development for approximately 25 years [3]–[12]. In past 10 years, the studies of lumped element nonlinear transmission lines (NLTLs) and continuous-medium NLTLs as sources of high-power (108–109 W) radio frequency radiation in the form of nanoseconds duration radio pulses have expanded significantly [8]–[28]. The center frequency of lumped element NLTLs usually lies in the range from 0.05 (with dielectric nonlinearity, [29]) to 1.5 GHz [8], whereas gyromagnetic NLTLs are used for radio frequency generation at frequencies from 0.5 [11] to 5 GHz [18], [19].