I. Introduction
Intensity modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) is widely used in optical communications. In IM/DD, information is conveyed by the varying intensity of transmitted optical signal, and the receiver detects the intensity of the received signal. There have been extensive studies on design and realization of IM/DD based optical wireless communication systems (see [1], [2] and references therein). This paper focuses on a simplified IM/DD channel model, known as the optical intensity channel with Gaussian noise. This model is suitable for some kinds of IM/DD systems, e.g., indoor free space optical communications [1], [3]. In optical intensity channels, typically the average and/or peak optical power is constrained due to safety reasons and practical considerations. Therefore the optical intensity channel we considered has two fundamental differences with electrical channel models like the classical AWGN channel: 1) a nonnegativity constraint on the input signal, 2) a different input cost metric. It is clear that typical signaling methods for electrical channels cannot be applied directly in optical intensity channels because of these differences.
Since the optical intensity is the optical power transferred per unit area, a constraint on optical power is also a constraint on intensity. In this paper we use ‘power’ to refer to the optical power unless otherwise specified.